Homeowner communication

Poolz sends emails and SMS messages to homeowners to keep them updated as things pgoress. This page details all the communication we send.

Communication timeline

When a new homeowner requests quotes from Poolz, the timeline below details the communications we send.

New homeowner lead received

Welcome Email

Welcome to Poolz. Our team will begin matching you with pool builders which usually takes between 1-5 days. You can update your pool estimate anytime. Attached are our Vision Board and Building Your Dream Pool eBooks.


Welcome to Poolz, we've sent you some important information about next steps via email. Get in touch if you need assistance or have questions.

+1 Minute
+ 1 Day (if the lead has not been purchased)

Update SMS

Hi, Mia from Poolz here. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here to ensure you have a great experience with your pool project by answering any questions you may have. So if you need any help at all or have any feedback, please don't hesitate to call or SMS me at any time. Have a great day!

Note: This step is skipped if a pool builder has already been matched with this homeowner and purchased the lead.

Email from Tony

I just got a notification letting me know you used Poolz to help find the best local pool builder in your area to build your new pool!

As the CEO of Poolz, this makes me proud and even more committed to what we're doing - helping Aussies build great pools and love doing it.

So, personally from me, thanks for choosing Poolz to help you turn your dream pool into reality. Have a great week, Tony

+1 Day
1st Match (when first PB purchases the lead)

1st Match SMS

Hi, great news, you’ve been matched with your first pool professional on Poolz! (the company and contact details are provided in the SMS, along with a link to the company profile on Poolz).

Important: The homeowner is expecting a call from the matching pool builder in minutes.

2nd Match SMS

Hi, great news, you’ve been matched with your second pool professional on Poolz! (the company and contact details are provided in the SMS, along with a link to the company profile on Poolz).

Important: The homeowner is expecting a call from the matching pool builder in minutes.

2nd Match (when second PB purchases the lead)
3rd Match (when third PB purchases the lead)

3rd Match SMS

Hi, great news, you’ve been matched with your third pool professional on Poolz! (The company and contact details are provided in the SMS, along with a link to the company profile on Poolz).

Important: The homeowner is expecting a call from the matching pool builder in minutes.

Site Visit Email

Congrats, you have now been matched with 3 pool builders (all the matching pool builder details are included in the email). You can expect to hear from them very soon or can call them yourself anytime.

To prepare for site visits, we highly recommend you read the attached ebooks, 'The Pool Buyers Checklist: Everything you need to discuss with your Pool Building professional' and 'Pool Options Pricing Guide: A comprehensive list of pool options'.

+2 Hours (after 3rd match)
+ 6 Days

Update SMS

Hi, I’m just checking in to make sure the pool professionals you've been matched with have been in contact with you?

Update SMS

Hi, it’s Mia from Poolz again. If you have any questions or feedback on the site visits conducted by the pool professionals we matched you with, please don’t hesitate to let me know as I’d love to hear how everything is progessing for you.

+8 Days
+ 7 Days

Awaiting Design & Quote Email

I’m just touching base to see if you've received design plans and quotes to turn your dream pool into reality?

We recommend you read the page on our website 'Understanding a pool building quote' and the attached 'Risk Management Checklist'.

Quote & Awaiting Contract Sign SMS & Email

If you’ve signed a contract with one of the pool professionals we matched you with, congratulations! I’d love to hear which one you chose and why?

You can just click one of the links below to tell me who you selected, or reply to this email with more feedback on who and why. Once you let us know, we will provide you with some other very helpful information for the next steps of your project.

+7 Days
+7 Days

Quote & Awaiting Contract Sign SMS & Email

Another email and SMS asking the homeowner to let us know which pool builder they are moving forward with and why.

Congratulations SMS

Hi, congratulations on selecting {Pool Builder} to build your pool! Look out for an email I'm sending you with some really helpful information about dig day - this is the most important day of your pool build and it's important you know what to expect.

+10 Minutes after Pool Builder wins the job
+4 Days (if Dig Date Unknown)

Dig Day Date Email

Hi, congratulations again on selecting (Pool Builder)! I would like to send you some useful information for the most important day of your pool build - dig day. Can you let me know what date your dig is scheduled for?

Dig Day Email

Dig day is fast approaching. We highly recommend you read the attached 'Dig Day Checklist' to ensure you are prepared for this important day.

4 Days Before Dig Day
Personalised Updates

Checkin Emails & SMS

From here the Poolz team only check in from time to time with the homeowner to see how things are progressing and pass on any feedback to the pool builder if requested.

Swim Time!

Once the homeowners new pool is completed, we ask for a builder review and final feedback.

Pool build completed

eBooks & Downloads

You can download copies of all the eBooks and tools we send homeowners.

Homeowner expectations

Our data shows that sales conversion is directly related to the following actions.

Call immediately

When you purchase a lead, making contact with the homeowner in minutes increases the likelihood of reaching the homeowner and also creates a very good first impression.

Site visit soon

Booking and then attending the site visit as soon as possible gives the homeowner confidence and increases the chances of winning the job. It also shows you are keen for the work.

Quote quickly

Once the site visit is completed, sending the quote within 2-3 days increases your chances of winning the job by more than 50%. Waiting for quotes is the single biggest complaint we hear.