What is the Poolz ProSales Program?

Designed to streamline your business and increase your sales conversion rate, the Poolz ProSales Program means that Poolz will book your appointments and site visits with homeowners within minutes of purchasing a lead on your behalf.

How does the ProSales Program work?

Poolz purchases leads that match your requirements and then communicates with the homeowner immediately to book your appointment - so you can focus on your other work knowing that your leads are being followed up in a professional and timely way.

Auto buy lead match

If lead that matches one of your local service areas is received, the Poolz team will purchase that lead on your behalf within minutes. This purchase will be taken off your lead pack (for example, if you purchase a 10 pack of leads, Poolz can auto buy up to 10 leads on your behalf).

Quickly contact homeowners

Within minutes of Poolz auto buying the lead on your behalf, the Poolz team will communicate with the homeowner in an attempt to book a site visit. This will be done using a combination of SMS messages and phone calls from a unique phone number (not a Poolz number).

Book your appointment

The Poolz team will book the appointment (either a phone call or a site visit) directly into the homeowners calendar and yours (if you use an online calendar). Confirmation emails will be sent to the homeowner and you with the appointment details. Poolz will also sent appointment reminders.

Who is the ProSales Program for?

The ProSales Program is for any company that is looking to close more deals and build more pools, but sometimes struggles with lead followup and making calls to homeowners in a timely way.

We will to make contact in less than 5 minutes

Research shows that leads are 48% more likely to answer if you call within 60 minutes!

Poolz will make first contact with your leads within 5 minutes!

We will text before calling to increase answer rates

Our data shows that homeowners are 32% more likely to answer a call if they first receive an SMS (so they know who the call is from)

We will make at least 6 attempts to contact

44% of Salespeople give up after one attempt at contacting a homeowner, and 92% give up after four attempts - not us, we guarantee to try at least six times.

Sales follow-up best practices

Using research from our own systems and other sales organisations, Poolz put together this simple one page document that clearly articulates how important timely sales follow up is.

How do I get started with the ProSales Program?

Step 1: Buy a lead pack

So that Poolz can automatically purchase leads on your behalf and then communicate with the homeowner, you first need to purchase a pack of leads.

Step 2: Buy a ProSales appointment pack

So that Poolz can automatically purchase leads on your behalf and then communicate with the homeowner, you first need to purchase a pack of leads.

Step 3: Answer a few simple questions

Before we can communicate with homeowners on your behalf, Poolz needs you to answer a few simple questions. These only take five minute and are things like:

1. What days and times do you typically prefer to do site visits

2. How long do your site visits usually take

3. Can you do site visits outside of business hours

Step 4: Relax & wait for bookings

Now you simply wait for Poolz to buy matching leads on your behalf and book your appointments - it's that easy.

You can go back to focussing on building pools or having a holiday knowing that we're working on your behalf.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know when Poolz buys a lead on my behalf?

You will get notifications from Poolz every time a lead is purchased - the exact same notifications you get when you purchase the lead yourself manually.

What information is Poolz providing the homeowner?

The goal of the ProSales Program is not to answer every question the homeowner has - it is to ensure that leads are responded to very quickly, and to book appointments with homeowners.

What happens if Poolz cannot book an appointment?

The Poolz team will make a minimum of six (6) attempts to contact the homeowner to book an appointment on your behalf. If after six attempts the homeowner is not responding, Poolz will stop attempting to contact the homeowner.

Can I see what communication Poolz has had with the homeowner?

Yes. All communications with homeowners are tracked and recorded in the Poolz CRM (customer relationship management) software. We can provide you with access to view this communication upon request.

What is the cost for the Poolz ProSales Program?

Poolz charges $35 ex GST per lead. This amount is charged for every lead that Poolz attempts to book appointments on your behalf. If Poolz is unsuccessful in booking the appointment, this fee is not refundable.

Will the customer know that Poolz is communicating on my behalf?

No. The calls and messages that Poolz makes will appear to come from you directly. We will allocate your company a unique phone number in our system and all the messages and phone calls we make on your behalf will go from that number. We can also setup a redirect so that any inbound calls to that number are forwarded to your mobile if you like.

Lead packs

These lead packs offer savings and are valid for 6-months.

ProSales appointment packs

These ProSales appointment packs are valid for 6-months.

Complete this information we require

We require you answer these questions to be enrolled in the ProSales Program.

Your details

About your site visits

When you do site visits

About your quotes

About your company

Talk to us

We are happy to answer any questions you have, simply give us a call on 1300 448 407 or book a time below.